Fair Trade Fortnight.

I love Fair Trade - and I especially love the chance to celebrate it, and talk about it, during Fair Trade Fortnight!

Tonight I went along to the Fair Trade Evening at the Abbotsford Convent - Ah, it was a wonderful night of listening to incredible Fair Trade stories, hearing of new social enterprises, talking about the work I do with Green Collect, making connections and meeting people that 'wow' me! Love being inspired, engaged, encouraged and excited!

And coming up is the Fair Trade Festival at the Queen Vic Market on the 16th May... are you keen to come along with me? I'd love to go there and share such a great opportunity with good mates!


  1. I love the whole idea of Fair Trade. Having said that, I watched a documentary not long ago about the Fair Trade tea industry in countries like Bangladesh and Kenya. Basically what the producers were saying was that unfortunately, there is a lot of corruption within the local businesses that are part of the Fair Trade scheme, and that a good deal of the profit doesn't actually reach the workers. I was just wondering if you know some more information about this, or if you observed something similar in the countries you have visited?

  2. Yeah, you know I think that stuff you are talking about regarding corruption is really important. I have a fabulous book about Fair Trade which I can lend you if you're interested, which gives good insight into the system... but regarding corruption in places such as Kenya, I can say I have seen it first hand and it is a destructive and awful part of ordinary society. So could that affect FT? Yeah, it wouldn't surprise me. Sadly. That is where good governance, fair wages, and justice can empower people to work together, not to exploit one another.

  3. I'm going to be at the Vic market fair trade event!!! :) Em P x

  4. PS. The Preece clan and co are heading to the Order of Melbourne tonight for the Fairtrade and Stop the Traffik event with Vox Congo, the Tealeaves, Franky wants out and more...you should come along!!! Send mom or me a message, it's only 10 bucks :) Em x

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Em - love to see you at the Vic Market FT Event and to hang out :) Can't make tonight as we are off to hang out with mates in Mornington! Thanks for invite though :)


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