Going Native.

Oooh, I am convinced that gardening is incredibly addictive!

The area near our back door is such a neglected, ugly area - with few plants, lots of overgrown trees and no grass. It's the area I overlook when I am in the kitchen doing the dishes. It is crying out for some love and attention!

So, we have sat and dreamed together of what might be... we're keen to make a difference, and the transformation is underway! We have chosen to plant natives as we really want to invite bees and birds to our lovely garden. And they just look splendid! We invested in a trailer load of eco-garden mulch and we're going to work our way around the house, improving the garden, planting flowers and natives, mulching and pruning, and replacing sad brick edging with reclaimed timber!

Before: Lonely garden with lots of rocks and no plants!
After: A beautiful garden of natives, mulch that smells like a rainforest, and Fairtrade recycled garden ornaments from Zimbabwe!

I love that we are both such handy people - Ben prepared the wooden garden edging, while I was inside making myself a skirt! And then we both worked side by side to plant, mulch, fertilise and complete the garden bed!

And next? It will be the transformation of the garden on the opposite side - a lovely shady area that we will fill with ferns and shade-loving plants. And after that... we will be repaving the area! So many possibilities, and life is far too short to overlook a sad and neglected garden. I am really, really looking forward to social gatherings in this lovely garden area!
