
I think change is good.

Five years ago my husband and I lived in Tasmania, where we had lived for all of our lives. Then we both applied to study International Development at La Trobe University in Melbourne.  We were accepted into our course, and we packed up our belongings, sailed on the boat and moved to Melbourne.

In preparation for moving we had one day to find a house, and amazingly we were accepted to a lovely little two bedroom place in the Inner West of Melbourne.  We didn't really know anyone in Melbourne. It was a massive change, but we knew it had the potential to open incredible doors for our future.

I loved being at Uni together... we had classes together, we helped each other understand the course content, we talked a lot about what we were learning and together we built a shared framework for working in Aid and Development. It wasn't a competition, but rather a partnership to equip ourselves for what we feel called to do.  I believe it's not enough just to be passionate, but we wanted a deeper and broader understanding of poverty and development, and what our place in that will be.

I think it is incredible that I am married to a man who wants to respond as holistically to poverty and injustice as I do. We believe that we have been called and are willing to share our skills, passions, knowledge, faith and love in East Africa. We will live, work and be there, for as long as we can.

And in preparation for moving to a new place I am preparing for change. I actually can't believe how many friends and networks we now have in Melbourne.  We loved our Uni study, and graduated at the end of 2009. We have travelled overseas nearly every year we have been in Melbourne - for the practical experiences of poverty and development to accompany our study.  Since graduating we have both got incredible jobs that utilise our skills and passions, and we have both continued studying and developing our skills through other courses. We have lived in a few houses in Melbourne, still in the Inner West. And now we have an amazing house, with a beautiful garden and it enables us to serve in our local Church.

Life is sweet! But we know this isn't as good as it gets.

There are so many good things about life in Melbourne, but I don't actually think it's the location that makes it so good but rather us living holistically here. We accepted the challenge to move by ourselves, to leave our families and friends and start a fresh. We have felt lonely, we have struggled, we have felt out of our depth and overwhelmed by the unknown, but we have stuck it out. We are very resilient people who are determined, when we make a commitment we follow it through.

Change is unsettling, but it also is so good for growth, reflection and opportunities. Whenever I find myself thinking about what I might miss, I also think about all that I will gain! I don't want to get so attached to my stuff, my identity in my work, my familiar surroundings that I can't faithfully follow that call I've heard.  I certainly have no illusion that the grass will be greener in East Africa, but I do believe I have something to give, and that I have been created for a moment such as this. And, I know I can flourish wherever I am planted because I know I am sustained by a faith in an incredible God.

I really do believe change is good - bring it on!


  1. Love it Erica :O) Very inspiring.... don't love the fact you left tassie though!! (very selfish of me!). You've both done well to follow your God given dreams. Em

  2. Well what can I say...

    I certainly feel humbled that you have wanted to travel the journey with me & appreciate the reflection given in this blog of our journey. You continue to take me on an incredible adventure which i'm thankful for.

    As you have alluded to with what's around the corner, it comes at a cost with what we've created here in Australia. I also agree that we both want to contribute to others in East Africa & say bring it on!

    I look forward setting ourselves up with our own little farm :)

  3. Just found this post - a great read Erica. Exciting stuff.


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