
The more I travel and see new places, the more I am reminded of the incredible life we live here in Australia.

There has been so much happening in our lives over the past month.
Both our fathers have had problems with their hearts recently. Ben's Dad undergoing open heart surgery while we were overseas, and my Dad undergoing an angiogram to check for blockages in his heart. But, the incredible thing is that Ben's Dad is on the road to recovery, and the results for my Dad found no blockages.

And I'm so pleased they are both OK.

And experiences like this reinforce even more why I want to go overseas and work in a place with great need. Why? Because I know that our family and friends have access to incredible medical resources, they are educated, informed, resourced, financed and empowered to utilise the services available in Australia to help themselves. I want to be with people who don't have access to resources, support and assistance; those who are going without.

Image from here.

My heart grieves for the loss of lives - such as Wangari Maathi, the incredible woman who worked for justice, environmental change and imparting hope and opportunity in East Africa, and Steve Jobs, the visionary and co-founder of Apple. But even more, my heart breaks for the 30,000 children who have died in the past few months as a direct consequence of where they were born. The famine in East Africa is such a big problem, yet those most deeply impacted people are invisible to me. I won't know their names, I won't hear their stories, we won't walk alongside each other.

But I know I have been called and I need to take action. I feel at peace at wanting to go and engage in the global community when I know that there is so much here to ensure those I love are helped and supported. Being far apart is OK, because love can transcend land and space, time and special moments. I am blessed to know that my family loves me deeply. I am thankful for the support and encouragement from those that I love. The love of God, and the love of my family & friends is love that I want to share; it had changed my life.

“Truly I tell you,” Jesus replied, “no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age: homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields—along with persecutions—and in the age to come eternal life.  But many who are first will be last, and the last first.” Mark 10:29-31


  1. So true.....we are blessed but what about the others.....?


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