Wool Giveaway.

Change is in the air at our house! And we have dismantled our house and are slowly, and significantly, downsizing in preparation for moving overseas.

And, anyone who has been to our house before will be fully aware of just how many creative resources I have collected! But as discussed previously on my blog, I know that I need to find new homes for some of these wonderful resources.

So, I have begun with my wool collection...

I have a garbage bag bursting with a selection of wool. It has wool of every colour, texture, size and fibre content. It would be perfect for crochet or knitted squares, for a rug, for beanies, for softies or tea cosies, baby booties or winter scarves, or for anything your creative imagination can think of!

I've already given away one bag to my lovely sister, and now I'd like to give away the other...

So, if you'd like to be in the running to receive this massive bag of wool, please leave me a comment below and tell me what you'll do with it! I'd love to pick my favourite answer, but I think instead I will draw a name out of a hat. Giveaway finishes 6pm Sunday 22nd January.

If you live in Melbourne or Tasmania we can arrange to deliver the bag of wool to you, but if you live anywhere else in Australia you are responsible to find a way to get this wool home!

Thanks for sharing in the wooly giveaway!


  1. I'd pass it on to my sister :-)
    I've just recently shown her how to knit and she's started making some cute finger puppets. I love that she's not only making them for her kids, but for the kids where she works too.
    Crochet lessons are up next! With her list of projects she'd like to try, this bag would make a great start to her own yarn stash.

  2. ooooh so many possibilities! I'm sure the first lot would turn into beanies that i'm still practising how to make. And maybe a scarf or too to match!! KPolk

  3. I'd love the bag of wool because I'm currently learning to crochet and have been inspired by a picture I recently saw on fb (I'll upload it to my page) to make quilts and blankets for my future kids and friends kids etc. they're so stunning and I've found great peace while practicing and learning! xx Mel Hobers

  4. Wow how exciting!! Where are you guys off to? I've just been given some funky knitting and crocheting patterns! So excited to start creating new things, wool would be perfect! Penny B

  5. Good one Erica! I've got a few things on the go. One is a blanket for my sister (significant milestones coming up) which I will need a fair bit more wool for and there are a couple of groups that knit scarves for newly arrived refugees and women in detention that I would be able to pass some on to as well. That is what I will do if my name is pulled out of the hat :) Emma Boyd :)

  6. Wow! I have no use for it that I can think of, but just wanted to say I admire you guys for your "ruthlessness" as you prepare for changes coming your way.

  7. Seriously impressed! Kyron and I would love to use your wool to knit some novelty hats for Little-Bald-Leo. We are both just learning. Ky knitted his Mum a scarf for her birthday and she was so surprised she could hardly speak. From Bec Fogarty

  8. I'd love the wool to be able to crochet some baby blankets, and also use some for crafts with my little boys before bub comes. Ps- would also LOVE to see you Erica, as it's been years! :-) Good luck with the move, and sorting/packing xx Kerry


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