
It feels like it has been a big year for me.

We moved house in preparation for change... and that change was for life! We haven't yet embarked on working longer term in East Africa, but we have added a member to our family - who now will and join us in our work, wherever we are in the world.

And this year was the journey of pregnancy for me. Pregnancy has been a very real way to watch the weeks fly by, and to see very real growth! It's also a precious time of preparation for life change. I enjoyed pregnancy, but it was also hard work for my body and a big journey of mental preparation.

Now I've finished up work and studies, which is the first time in 13 years I'm not working for someone else. Wow. And I have the time to myself, to be with Eden and to work away at my own projects.

It hasn't been simple leaving work or learning some days to be a single parent. I have had thirty years of relative freedom, and now I am learning to live with Eden. She needs me, and I am learning the art of life balance so I can be there for her and also invest in myself.

I am learning to give. I am learning patience and working hard to understand Eden. I am learning the art of one-sided small talk, of soothing and patting. I am learning to re-think productivity. But I am also looking hard at my other relationships, and seeing that they are also a journey of giving and investing in each other.

I've noticed how many people want to 'follow' in Eden's growth and life - yet are completely invisible to me in return. I love to share my world: Eden, my hobbies, travels, creations, interests, work, life, opinions, thoughts but I think in any balanced relationship there needs to be input from both sides. I don't want you to just gather up information about me, but rather walk beside me so we can know each other.

It's been a big year so far and I long for worthwhile fellowship, companionship and friendship. I welcome relationships of give and take.  As I learn to have a worthwhile and special relationship with Eden, I can see this is a holistic journey of giving, learning and growing.

Thankful for the path I'm travelling.
