
I really do love change! And the exciting changes in our house this week was discovering a new coffee table and side table from Villa and Hut. Oh, I have to admit I just love the furniture from there, especially when they have a big sale! And even more exciting was being able to replace our $5 coffee table, which we've used faithfully for the past five years! So, not only did we make space for two new tables, but we also rearranged the lounge room too!

Our lounge room before:

And, our lounge room after:

Oh, I love change!


  1. Looks good. Looks good both ways actually!

    Are the photos taken on opposite sides of the room?

  2. Lovely, looks fabulous! I love to move rooms around, gives it a whole new feel :)

  3. Ah, yes jenny - the photo's are taken from different corners on the same side of the room! I noticed that when I went to put the pics up... unintentionally makes for more of a dramatic effect of change :) Thanks for the encouragement!

    You and I would make great house-mates Bec! Changing rooms is fun :)

  4. I'm concerned that you got rid of an important item,

    In the first photo you have a husband but it seems in all your renovating you may have misplaced him.

  5. Howie... he is still there, just on the couch outside the photo :)


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