
I have been reading a book while travelling called 'Nine lives: In search of the sacred in modern India'. A fascinating book, with a valuable insight into many diverse journey's of spirituality, faith, religion and belief.

From the book there were some valuable insights by a Jain nun regarding walking that really stood out to me, "We have two legs and travelling on foot is the right speed for human beings. Walking sorts out your problems and anxieties, and calms your worries."

Yep, I fully agree with this! The world can whizz by when you have a vehicle - true, you can reach your destination quickly - but walking is so good for our health and well being. And, I love watching the world go by when I go out walking. Ben & I love to walk up and down the streets in our local suburb, to enjoy the beautiful gardens and dream about houses that we like, to say hi to the neighbours and best of all conversations always seem to flow easily when out & about. A good conversation needs time to develop, and a walk together creates time and a relaxed atmosphere to hear one another.

I love walking! If I could I would just walk everyday, everywhere. My dream lifestyle is to be close enough to walk to everything I needed. When we volunteered in Western Kenya we went weeks without needing to travel in a vehicle - we walked everywhere we needed. It certainly helped give me a good tan while being out in the sunshine, but also walking is great for my figure, good for my soul and wears out my shoes way too often!

Unquestionably a highlight of our time here in East Africa has been the opportunity to walk and talk with my soul mate. Many grand ideas and dreams have been shared between us; time and space for deep reflection; dialogue of that which we love & value.

Ok, enough time sitting down... I'm heading out for a walk!


  1. I would have to agree with your comment about walking. Sadly I don't do it, but when my beautiful wife and I have been for a walk the conversation does flow better. I know that I should ask my wife to come walk with me and God much more often.

    Love Wally


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