
Finally we now have our own flock of chickens!

After Ben built an incredible coop incorporating recycled tin and fence pailings, we went and got three chickens yesterday. They are not little chicks, but rather chickens ready for laying. I feel like I have much to learn with chickens! But I am also ready to take the adventure and give it a go - no need to wait until I'm an expert to start, I'd much rather learn on my feet!

And, the highlight of going and checking the chickens this morning - our first egg! It felt surreal to see this little egg in the nest. SO worth the effort and commitment to investing in our own flock of chickens! I showed one of the children, Abishack - she's six - and she told me this egg was 'beautiful'. I think she's quite right!

A highlight was having people from church coming over to check out these chickens - and the kids just loved them! But even more special was having the kids from the afternoon congregation from the Burmese church come and check out the chickens! The kids were amazed and are such fun, and it was so special having a backyard full of little kids. They helped us water the veggie garden, helped spread the mulch in the front garden, jumped on the trampoline, checked out the worm farm. One little girl declared 'Your house is like a farm!'. Yes, indeed!

I love community. I love chatting and caring, playing ball games and helping kids with the watering can or pushing the wheel barrow. I love sharing my life and living out my faith. I love answering creative and insightful questions from little kids, I love investing in the future generation. I love making friends and inviting people into my garden, my home - my farm - and my life. I feel like the richest person on earth.


  1. I'm so excited you've got your chickens! Wonderful! I'm so happy you are enjoying the fruits of your labor in the garden. It is so fantastic that along with what you are growing in the garden, you are also growing a sense of community with the people around you, well done.


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